There’s a lot to unpack and discuss in Michael Gove’s speech outlining government plans on UK housing. Much of the speech focusses on easing the process for the conversion of commerical buildings within town and city centres, and on applying high design standards to new builds. Many of our clients already have imaginative plans for conversion of commerical and agricultural buildings, or the development of brownfield sites. Informed, expert advice at an early stage can help ensure beautiful and thoughtful design, well-executed construction and cost-effective projects that appreciate the value of the past whilst creating a sustainable future.
Throughout the planning process, we can help you take care of every detail. Working to ensure a professional, pragmatic and proportionate approach, achieve cost effective results, and rapidly identify risks. We have a strong record in carrying out work in support of planning requirements, research and community engagement. As part of Rocket Environmental Services, sister companies who together provide architectural, ecological, and construction services, we take a holistic view of projects and to call upon expertise across a wide range of technical and practical skillsets. We work closely with preferred partners to provide drone survey and detailed specialist planning advice and can procure a whole host of other specialist services.
Cheesey as it may sound, we can help you transform planning challenges into opportunities! Whether that’s the challenge of sympathetic development of a listed building or within a conservation area, input into masterplanning on a greenfield housing site, or early identification of the potential costs of archaeological mitigation, drop us a line to find out more info@therocketgroup.uk
Read the full speech outlining the government plans here: